Retrieve Physical & Occupational Therapy

Spine, Joint, & Osteoarthritis

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Stephen Fose, Best Physical Therapist Spine Rochester NY, Retrieve Physical Therapy

Stephen Fose, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT

Stephen Fose, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT is an industry leader in spine, joint, and osteoarthritis physical therapy.

Stephen's decade of experience after getting his doctorate from the University at Buffalo has transformed into becoming an IMC Outcomes Accountable Clinician in 2019 (IMC OAC) & Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy (Cert. MDT) in 2021.

These are rigorous post-doctorate training programs to the highest value healthcare by providing fast solutions to chronic and recurrent pain problems for good, without gimmicks or unnecessary injections, medications, and surgeries.

Along with providing direct patient care, Stephens passion to build healthier communities & reduce healthcare costs led to a mentorship with Dr. Lauren Hebert, industry leader in workplace injury prevention since the 1980's. Stephen's employee benefit program is provided throughout Western NY & the United States.

Initial Evaluation

History/interview, postural and movement testing, orthopedic and neurological special testing, spinal screen, response-based assessment, and palpation. We also establish the first treatment, provide any appropriate hands-on manual techniques and initial home exercise program to reduce your symptoms fast and to achieve your goals.

Follow Up

Progression of home exercise program, mechanical and neurological re-assessment, orthopedic testing and special tests. This also includes additional goal-oriented exercises, hands-on tissue work and joint mobilizations, blood flow restriction training, pain relief progression, and most importantly the beginning of self-assessment to fix yourself anywhere, just like a physical therapist does.

Why Choose Retrieve?

It's Very Simple: TIME

Let's say you need a car mechanic for your vehicle:

CAR MECHANIC A will diagnose & fix the problem in 4 weeks for $1000

CAR MECHANIC B down the road will do the same thing in 10 weeks for $1000

If you'd choose CAR MECHANIC A, then you're ready to book your evaluation.